Saturday 21 June 2014

Dutch Scientist Creates Spirit Magnification Machine which Allows Communion with Spirit of God

Modern science has long been involved in peering behind the curtain of natural phenomena and revealing the mechanisms that allow them to occur. It has rarely been used to unravel the workings of spiritual events, but a Dutch physicist has created one of the first machines to allow users to commune with the spirits of God. This revolutionary new device is predicated on sound scientific principles involving electromagnetism.
The Spirit Magnification Machine detects the presence of one of God’s holy spirits and amplifies its presence through the use of electrical impulses. The machine is still in the early stages of development, but the early work has proven to be extremely promising. The inventor has been working on this project since 2001 and has produced powerful results which are compelling and warrant further investigation. He has currently released video evidence showing how his Spiritual Magnification Machine actually operates and transmits electromagnetic signals to people in the presence of the spirit of God. Although, he does not confirm or deny that users will be able speak to God directly, he does attest that the machine allows true believers to communicate with God’s spiritual envoys.
Although the Spiritual Magnification Machine has proven wildly successful so far, this project requires additional funding in order to reach full feasibility. In an effort to raise awareness about this project and the necessary funds for project completion, the Dutch inventor has started a fundraising campaign on Indiegogo. While all contributions are welcome and graciously accepted, certain donors will receive valuable perks including prayers, spiritual booklets and opportunities to use the Spirit Magnification Machine. To learn more about the Spirit Magnification Machine or make a financial contribution, please visit

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